Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important for reminding people that HIV has not gone away, and that there are many things still to be done.
According to UNAIDS estimates, there are now 33.3 million people living with HIV, including 2.5 million children. During 2009 some 2.6 million people became newly infected with the virus and an estimated 1.8 million people died from AIDS.
The vast majority of people with HIV and AIDS live in lower- and middle-income countries. But HIV today is a threat to men, women and children on all continents around the world.
World AIDS Day theme: Universal Access and Human Rights
The theme for World AIDS Day 2010 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. Global leaders have pledged to work towards universal access to HIV and AIDS treatment, prevention and care, recognizing these as fundamental human rights. Valuable progress has been made in increasing access to HIV and AIDS services, yet greater commitment is needed around the world if the goal of universal access is to be achieved. Millions of people continue to be infected with HIV every year. In low- and middle-income countries, less than half of those in need of antiretroviral therapy are receiving it, and too many do not have access to adequate care services.The protection of human rights is fundamental to combating the global HIV and AIDS epidemic. Violations against human rights fuel the spread of HIV, putting marginalised groups, such as injecting drug users and sex workers, at a higher risk of HIV infection. By promoting individual human rights, new infections can be prevented and people who have HIV can live free from discrimination.
World AIDS Day provides an opportunity for all of us - individuals, communities and political leaders - to take action and ensure that human rights are protected and global targets for HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care are met.
In recent years, considerable energy and money have been spent trying to achieve universal access to treatment for HIV and AIDS. This is part of a wider objective to provide universal access to treatment, care and prevention by 2010. Most countries aspiring to expand treatment access have set themselves a goal of providing antiretroviral treatment to around 80% of those in need.
History of the targets
At the beginning of the 21st century, very few people in the developing world had access to HIV treatment. This was in large part because of the very high prices of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and the international patents that stopped them from being manufactured at cheaper prices. However, in 2001 drug manufacturers in developing countries began to produce generic drugs under special terms in international trade law. In sub-Saharan Africa, countries including Kenya and South Africa passed bills that made it legal for them to purchase generic drugs from abroad. The vast reduction in price made possible by the manufacturing of generic drugs meant expansion of treatment on a global scale was possible. Graph shows the number of people receiving ART, and treatment coverage of those who need it, in lower- and middle-income countries
Considering the relative success of the 3 by 5 target, the international community set another target in 2005 that aimed for universal access to HIV treatment, prevention and care by 2010. However, by the time of the WHO’s 2008 universal access report, the heads of UNAIDS, UNICEF and the WHO conceded that most countries would not meet the 2010 targets of 80% of those in need receiving treatment.
The 2010 target is also part of Millennium Development Goal 6 which includes the goal of halting and beginning to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015.
Understanding antiretroviral therapy coverage
From 2006 to 2010, an extra three million people in low and middle-income countries were put on treatment for HIV. Access to treatment has greatly expanded, rising by a third from 2008-2009. However, the number of people in need of treatment has also increased due to a 2010 change in WHO guidelines, which recommends starting treatment at an earlier stage. This means that of the 33.3 million people living with HIV worldwide, the number of people in need of treatment has risen from 10 million to 14.6 million. Under the previous guidelines HIV treatment coverage would have increased from 42% in 2008 to 52% in 2009. However, according to the new guidelines, treatment coverage in low and middle-income countries is 36%.
Regional antiretroviral therapy coverage
Region (lower- and middle-income countries) | Antiretroviral therapy coverage | Estimated number of people receiving antiretroviral therapy | Estimated number of people needing antiretroviral therapy | |
Sub-Saharan Africa | 37% | 3,911,000 | 10,600,000 | |
Eastern and Southern Africa | 41% | 3,203,000 | 7,700,000 | |
Western and Central Africa | 25% | 709,000 | 2,900,000 | |
Latin America and the Caribbean | 50% | 478,000 | 950,000 | |
Latin America | 51% | 425,000 | 840,000 | |
The Caribbean | 48% | 52,400 | 110,000 | |
East, South and South-East Asia | 31% | 739,000 | 2,400,000 | |
Europe and Central Asia | 19% | 114,000 | 610,000 | |
North Africa and the Middle East | 11% | 12,000 | 100,000 | |
Total | 36% | 5,254,000 | 14,600,00 |
In sub-Saharan Africa, which accounts for 72 percent of antiretroviral therapy need in low and middle-income countries, treatment coverage increased by 10 percent from 2008-2009. However, coverage within this region varies widely; in the most highly affected areas of Eastern and Southern Africa, coverage is higher (41%) than in West and Central Africa (25%).
Eight low-and middle-income countries (Botswana, Cambodia, Croatia, Cuba, Guyana, Oman, Romania and Rwanda) had achieved universal access to treatment by December 2009. Under the previous WHO guidelines, 9 other countries, including Swaziland and Zambia, would have achieved universal access.
Achieving universal access to treatment
Universal access is broadly defined. It does not necessarily mean 100% coverage of all services but can be seen as a desire to move to a high level of access for the most effective interventions that are "equitable, accessible, affordable, comprehensive and sustainable over the long-term". Ninety nine countries have set their own 2010 universal treatment access targets with most countries aiming for 80% treatment coverage.Scaling-up the number of people on treatment involves great challenges including the need for:
* widespread awareness of the value of testing and subsequent treatment
* life-long commitment to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and supporting patients to adhere to a daily regimen
* adequate health infrastructure including health staff
* supply chains of effective drugs
Counselling, testing and treatment awareness levels
Before people can be treated they need to know they are infected. This requires not only HIV testing facilities but also widespread knowledge of the importance of testing and where it can be done. People may be more inclined to test if they are aware of the benefits of antiretroviral therapy and know they could be treated if they test positive. Confronting stigma and denial are absolutely necessary as these are often "the two factors that often determine whether a person seeks an HIV test or not".5 Testing and treatment services also need to reach marginalised and difficult-to-reach groups, such as men who have sex with men and sex workers.“Universal access means more than ensuring that those who need treatment or prevention services receive them. It implies an extra effort to reach those who are marginalized, criminalized or disenfranchised.”Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon6The number of HIV testing and counselling facilities has increased in recent years. In 2009, there were 107,000 health facilities in low and middle income countries that provided HIV testing and counselling, compared to 78,000 in 2009.
When HIV treatment should begin
In more economically developed countries, generally the threshold for treatment is a CD4 count that has dropped below 350 cells per cubic millimetre (mm3) of blood, which is what has been recommended by WHO for all countries since 2010. In less developed countries governments decide whether to follow old guidelines, which recommend treatment starts at 200 cells/mm3, or follow the WHO 2010 guidelines. The stage of infection at which people are eligible to begin taking ARVs provides some context to the percentage of people regarded as in ‘need’ of treatment. Someone with a CD4 count of 300 in the United Kingdom, for example, would be considered in need of treatment, whereas someone with a similarly advanced infection in a less developed country which is not following the latest WHO guidelines, may not be regarded as needing treatment. The levels of investment and resources that are necessary to obtain a certain level of access to treatment are therefore very much linked to a country’s definition of need.Treatment centre, Botswana Deferring treatment until infection has progressed may seem a cheaper option for funders of treatment programmes, but some say that initiating treatment earlier is cost-effective in the long run. This is because the costs of a deferred treatment approach are ‘substantially increased’ by intensive clinical care, having to make more likely switches to expensive second-line treatment, an increased infection rate, and the loss of patients’ economic productivity. However, despite the potential cost savings, treating patients earlier will inevitably require greater initial spending on antiretroviral drugs.
As of October 2010, 45 countries had adopted the new guidelines, including China, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe and some countries in Eastern Europe such as Romania and Ukraine. However, adopting the new guidelines has at least doubled the number of people in need of treatment in these countries and therefore makes universal access a more challenging target to reach.Patient retention
Deciding when, how and who initiates treatment is one set of issues that need to be considered when establishing and maintaining HIV treatment programmes. However, keeping people on treatment programmes – patient retention – should be considered as important a factor as boosting the numbers of people beginning treatment.“High rates of attrition from treatment programs thus poses a serious challenge to program implementers and constitute an inefficient use of scarce treatment resources.”Sydney Rosen, Center for International Health and Development, Boston University.
Patients who do not start treatment or who do not continue with treatment are often classified as “lost to follow-up”. This could be for a range of possible reasons including simply stopping or interrupting treatment, death, or finding alternative sources of ARVs. The nature of loss to follow-up is that very often a patient’s eventual whereabouts or outcome is unknown, even if efforts are made to trace such patients.
In a review of studies examining patient retention in antiretroviral therapy programmes in Africa, just 60% of patients remained with their programme after two years. The remainder were lost to follow-up or had died. Another study examining data on 5,491 patients beginning antiretroviral therapy in 15 treatment programmes in Africa, South America and Asia, found 21% of patients became lost within six months, including 4% who were not seen since receiving their first prescription of ARVs. Globally, it is estimated that almost 20 percent of patients are not retained on antiretroviral therapy after 12 months, while for children, 25 percent are lost after 12 months.
Retention on antiretroviral therapy, low and middle-income countries by region, 2008
“Early patient losses were increasingly common when programmes were scaled up and were associated with a fee for service and advanced immunodeficiency at baseline.”The delay between eligibility for antiretroviral treatment and actually starting treatment is also an issue of concern according to studies in South Africa, Malawi and Uganda. When patients test HIV positive, they may not all be ready to take ARV drugs yet but many of those who are eligible do not start treatment on time. Substantial numbers have also shown to be lost before they should start taking treatment.
Why do people stop treatment?
A variety of factors influence why individuals discontinue their treatment. Cost has a major impact on patient retention and mortality levels.16 Similarly, associated costs such as transportation or “opportunity costs” such as having to forgo a day’s pay are other more structural factors. Adverse side effects of ARVs may cause someone to stop taking them, as could successful therapy if it leads people to become complacent.Social, cultural and psychological influences should also be considered. Perceptions of disease severity, susceptibility and the benefits or disadvantages of staying on treatment are key in determining clinical attendance. Believing that God or alternative medicine can cure AIDS can also influence treatment patterns. Similarly, misconceptions about ARVs can alter patients’ motivation to stick with them.
“Those medicines were so confusing. Sometimes you hear that if you use those medicines you will die. So it used to confuse people so much…we used to fear it so much that it means if you take these medicines you may die.”ART patient, TanzaniaNutritional support is vital too as a lack of adequate food security could determine whether people remain on treatment. Some medications can only be taken on a full stomach while some ARV side effects are reduced by having adequate nutrition.
Keeping people on treatment
Sticking to a treatment regimen for life that involves taking daily medication, with potential side effects, presents many challenges that must be overcome if patients are to successfully remain on treatment. If drug resistance occurs through failure to adhere to ARVs, far more expensive second-line therapy, may be necessary.Having supportive family and community environments, as well as strong networks of people living with HIV are key to promoting adherence to ARV treatment. This could come in the form of very practical assistance such as transport to a clinic or help with other activities. Patients may require emotional support to continue their treatment both from their family and HIV-positive peers. The success of other people on ARVs can encourage patients to continue with their therapy. One study in Kenya has also shown that the use of mobile phones texts by nurses to check on patients is effective in improving adherence. One reason why the patients involved were 'highly satisfied' by the service and wanted it to continue was because they felt "like someone cares." Community involvement is particularly important for reaching high-risk groups such as sex workers, men who have sex with men or injecting drug users. These groups are more likely to be criminalised and either find it difficult or are unwilling to access public services. However, they are more likely to trust fellow members, or 'peers', of their group.
“…other patients who used to hide themselves have seen their fellows who come to these services are getting relief so they now turn up too.”ART clinic staff member, Tanzania.
South African woman with her daily medication
There is also a risk that people may experience unplanned treatment interruptions - where a person may have to stop their treatment for reasons beyond their control. Floods in Mozambique, the unstable political and economic situation in Zimbabwe, and the 2007 and 2010 public sector strikes in South Africa, are all situations where people taking ARVs may have had difficulty in accessing their medication.“AIDS poses a challenge for health systems that is fundamentally different from all of the other health problems ever faced. Transforming a deadly disease into a manageable chronic one turns millions of people into chronic patients, in need of life-long regular follow-up. This implies that present efforts and commitments will have to be continuously increased for many years to come.”Wim Van Damme, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium
The effect of universal treatment on prevention
Apart from the effects of treatment on quality of life and productivity, HIV treatment is also a possible preventative measure. This is because a higher level of HIV in the blood, or viral load, increases the risk of HIV transmission and antiretroviral therapy reduces the levels of HIV in the blood. A number of studies have shown that reducing the viral load in a population in turn reduces new infections and it is already known that antiretroviral therapy can drastically reduce the risk of HIV transmission from mother-to-child. The feasibility of rolling out large-scale treatment programmes, that would immediately treat people on diagnosis of HIV on a global scale, is unlikely however due to the costs and ethical considerations involved (drug resistance, side effects of drugs and need for patient consent).Therefore, increased treatment coverage is not a substitute for other preventative measures that have been proven to work in reducing new HIV infections. Yet, one result of the drive to rapidly boost treatment figures may be a reduced focus on other areas of HIV and AIDS work. Even in 2006, it was believed energy and resources were being redirected from prevention towards treatment:
“In Africa many grass roots organizations and NGOs…traditionally involved in community mobilization and prevention, have shifted their focus to treatment support activities” Wim Van Damme, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Belgium.This raises questions about the approach of boosting the numbers on treatment at the expense of prevention programmes designed to reduce new HIV infections in the long term. The effects of the economic crisis and reduced external funding are expected to impact prevention programmes the most, as their effects are harder to measure. Prevention programmes such as HIV/AIDS education in schools, condom distribution, counselling and testing, and targeted prevention programmes for high risk groups like sex workers and men who have sex with men must therefore be expanded alongside treatment programmes.
“The implications of HIV prevention failures are clear: unless we act now, treatment queues will get longer and longer and it will become more and more difficult to get anywhere near universal access to antiretroviral therapy.”former head of UNAIDS, Peter Piot.
Resources needed to achieve universal access
Trained staff
Many health staff are required at various stages of treatment programmes. However, countries with higher HIV prevalence tend to have lower health staff-to-patient ratios compared with more developed countries. Malawi, for example, has just one doctor per 50,000 people compared to the United States with one per 390 people. On average, there are 15 times the number of doctors and 8 times the number of nurses in Europe compared to Africa. The World Health Organization estimates that the global shortage of trained health care staff exceeds four million.There are several reasons for this, one of which is AIDS itself. In Botswana, for example, 17% of the health-care workforce died due to AIDS between 1999 and 2005.
Nurses on an HIV ward, Uganda Migration of health staff from poorer to wealthier countries has also damaged the health infrastructure of countries ravaged by AIDS. It has even been suggested that the widespread recruitment of African health workers by more developed countries should be viewed as an ‘international crime’.
One proposal for tackling HIV with diminished staff capacity is to train or permit lesser-qualified health workers to perform tasks which they were previously unqualified to do. This is known as ‘task-shifting’. Allowing nurses to perform some of the tasks of doctors, and community workers the roles of nurses, for example, could facilitate access to ART and improve adherence and management of therapy. It is argued that quality of care would not be compromised and that it could be more cost-effective than the present division of labour.
However, as a study in Uganda has shown, a transfer of tasks is not always accompanied by appropriate training.
Task-shifting has existed in Zambia since 2004, and was implemented in South Africa in May 2010.
Reliable supply chains
Ensuring there are no interruptions in treatment requires a guaranteed supply of antiretroviral drugs from the factories where they are produced, to the treatment centres in perhaps remote areas of a country. Laboratory supplies, testing kits and information also needs to pass along the supply chain.In order to be cost-effective, accurate forecasting of the necessary quantity of drugs is needed. Over-purchasing of ARVs can put strains on money and storage space, and may lead to wasting of drugs with limited shelf-life.
Under-estimating may lead to stockouts and the need to purchase costlier emergency supplies. One report found stockouts were ‘commonplace’ in China, India, Uganda, Russia and Zimbabwe. It was conservatively estimated that 30 people were dying daily in Free State, South Africa, after ARVs ran out towards the end of the 2009 financial year. Such events not only adversely affect those who desperately need to begin treatment but also patients who are on treatment already and who may develop drug resistance.
The transportation phase of the supply chain requires delivery tracking and needs to account for potential customs barriers. Special refrigerated containers may also be needed. In unstable regions theft of the drugs may be a concern and armed escorts and decoy trucks are known to protect expensive deliveries.
Intermediate storage of the medication – such as in large regional warehouses – needs to be safe and secure and be able to efficiently process orders and distribute ARVs to health facilities. Similarly, local facilities should be able to safely and securely store medication at controlled temperatures.
All of these requirements mean that the costs involved in distributing the drugs are higher than the antiretroviral drugs themselves. World Health Organization's Director of HIV/AIDS, Gottfried Hirnschall, points out:
"About 20 to 30 percent of the costs related to treatment are drug-related costs, and the other 70 to 80 percent are systems and delivery costs...We need to shift the conversation towards asking how we can use resources that we have more efficiently and effectively."The massive international logistical exercise involved in creating a reliable supply chain for thousands of vital deliveries has meant the consortium that operates PEPFAR’s supply chain, the Supply Chain Management System, was the organisation that received the most money from PEPFAR in 2007.
Effective drugs and equipment
It goes without saying that HIV treatment programmes need a steady supply of drugs. However, the quality and type of drugs that are available will also have an impact on the effectiveness of the programme. The majority of treatment regimens in most developing countries use a drug called stavudine, or d4T, which has severe side effects that have led to its discontinued use in richer countries. Such side effects may dissuade patients from taking their medication, whereas better quality, though often more expensive, ARVs may encourage people to continue treatment and could require fewer costly treatment switches.The most common regimen is d4T + 3TC (lamivudine) + nevirapine, with 59% of patients in low and middle-income countries taking this particular first-line combination. However, the phase out of d4T and replacement with less toxic regime combinations has already started in 33 countries, including Lesotho, Kenya and Uganda.
Other medical supplies besides antiretroviral drugs are also required. In developed countries, HIV positive patients on antiretroviral therapy undertake routine tests to monitor treatment efficacy and toxic effects. These tests require expensive equipment, electricity and trained technicians, and so are often unavailable in less economically developed countries.
Although more research is needed in this area, the findings suggest there will be a greater public health benefit if money is channelled into providing more people with antiretroviral drugs than providing those already receiving treatment with routine laboratory monitoring.
Cost of HIV treatment
It was estimated in 2009 that to achieve universal access targets an investment of 7 billion was required for treatment and care out of the $25 billion total needed to achieve all targets in low and middle-income countries. However, only $15.9 billion was made available in 2009. The Global Fund, which provides antiretroviral treatment to 2.5 million people worldwide, received $11.3 billion in 2010 out of the $20 billion it calculated it needed over a three year period. Funding from the US government, mainly through PEPFAR, was also flat-lined from 2009-2010 for the first time since its creation in 2003. That year the PEPFAR budget for antiretroviral treatment was also reduced and funds for ARV drugs fell by 17%.In a global economic downturn, the prospect of greater funding for AIDS seems unlikely. UNAIDS reported in 2009 that “the crisis, together with the increasing demand for treatment, will have a serious negative impact on antiretroviral treatment in the long run.”
One fifth (all in sub-Saharan Africa) said they had already felt the impact of the crisis on their treatment programmes by 2009. Moreover, the percentage of countries where antiretroviral treatment programmes were adversely affected by reduced external funding rose from 11% to 21% from July 2008 to July 2009. Treatment expansion will be difficult in countries with a high HIV prevalence but low government spending on HIV/AIDS (such as Uganda, Zambia and Tanzania), as they are heavily reliant on foreign funding.
Eastern Europe and Central Asia are seen as particularly vulnerable to the effects of reduced external funding and the economic crisis. Already less than a fifth of people in need of treatment in the region are receiving it but drug stock-outs are common and government health expenditure on AIDS treatment programmes has fallen sharply, according to UNAIDS country coordinators. In September 2010, the arrests of activists in Moscow protesting against ARV drug stock outs in hospitals highlighted the grave lack of access to HIV treatment in Russia.
Achieving universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and care
Significant progress has been made in getting millions of people on treatment. Over 3 million life years were gained from 2002-2008, including 2 million in sub-Saharan Africa, thanks to antiretroviral therapy. Treatment expansion led to a ten-fold increase in the number of people on treatment in low and middle-income countries by the end of 2008 (around 4 million) compared with 2003 (around 400,000) when the ‘3 by 5’ target was set. Although the ‘3 by 5’ and universal access target were not met on time, it is likely that they have played a major part in progressing treatment levels far beyond what would have been achieved otherwise.In 2010, UNAIDS outlined a comprehensive approach to HIV treatment designed to cut deaths from AIDS by ten million by 2025. ‘Treatment 2.0’ emphasises the role that improved access to treatment can play in stemming the epidemic, by reducing mortality from AIDS but also by cutting new infections.
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